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Special test items of electronic universal testing machine

Electronic universal testing machine is a kind of testing machine that has received extensive attention and consultation in recent years. It has the characteristics of universal testing machine that can take a variety of physical performance tests for a variety of samples. Special test items that can be realized by electronic universal testing machine

1. The coefficient of elasticity is the Young's modulus of elasticity: the ratio of the normal stress weight to the normal strain in the same phase. To determine the coefficient of data rigidity, the higher the value, the stronger the data.  

2. Share limit: The load can maintain a proportional relationship with the elongation within a certain range, and the maximum stress is the ratio limit.  

3. Elastic limit: the maximum stress that can be accepted by the data without being deformed forever.  

4. Elastic deformation: After removing the load, the deformation of the data is completely gone.  

5. Permanent deformation: After removing the load, the data still remains deformed.  

6. Yield point: When the data is stretched on the electronic universal testing machine, the deformation increases and the stress does not change, this point is the yield point. The compliant point is divided into the upper and lower compliant points, and the upper compliant point is usually used as the compliant point. Submission: The load exceeding the share limit is no longer proportional to the elongation, the load will drop suddenly, and then within a period of time, the up and down are rugged, and the elongation changes greatly. This appearance is called submission.

 7. Yield strength: when stretched, the eternal elongation reaches a certain regular value of load, divided by the original cross-sectional area of the parallel part, and the quotient is obtained. 

8. Tension spring K value: the ratio of the force weight and the deformation in the same phase with the deformation.  

9. Effective elasticity and hysteresis loss: On the electronic universal testing machine, when the sample is stretched to a certain elongation or a regular load at a certain speed, the recovery work and spread time consumption when the sample is shortened are measured The percentage of the work ratio is the useful elasticity; the percentage of the ratio of the energy lost when the sample is stretched or shortened to the work expended when stretched is measured hysteresis loss.